AirSketcher: 風を使いやすくする手法の提案とその実装
AirSketcher: Direct Air Instruction Techniques for Electric Fan
AirSketcher, a novel electric fan that enables the user to directly control the directions and paths in which wind is blown, is presented. AirSketcher is a robotic fan with two servomotors to control its orientation and an embedded camera. We introduce three techniques that allow the user to control and design wind direction and path: 1) AirWand: Drawing the wind path by moving visual markers through the air in front of the fan, 2) AirCanvas: Drawing the wind path on a tablet display that shows the camera view, and 3) AirFlag: Putting control markers in the environment to specify the manner in which wind is to be blown to the areas where the markers are placed.
現代の空調システムには,温度設定が部屋単位であることや人間の室温の感じ方の差など課題がある.本研究では,その解決手法としてインタラクションの観点から使いやすい風をつくりだすAirSketcherを提案する.AirSketcherは直接的で多様な風を容易につくりだすことができる扇風機(送風)システムである.扇風機にインタラクティブ性を持たせ,ユーザが意図通り風を操作可能になることで,空調に対する不満を解決できるのではないかと考えた.本研究では風を制御するインタラクション手法として風を操るかのようなメタファで風を制御するAirWand, 風を描くメタファを用いて風を制御するAirCanvas, 風を受け入れるか否かをカードによって指示するAirFlagをの3つを考案し試作した.
The AirSketcher fan we propose enables the user to have wind blown accurately anywhere within a closed space. It allows the user to intuitively and directly specify where the wind is to be blown and the strength at which it is to be blown. This technique allows users to control and design the blowing of wind by using the following three techniques.- AirWand: Drawing the wind path in the air.
- AirCanvas: Drawing the wind on the display.
- AirFlag: Placing flag cards in the environment.
Demo Video: Design the wind path with AirWand @ The National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation (Miraikan)
- Good Design EXPO 2011, August 2011.
- 渡邊恵太, 松田聖大, 稲見昌彦, 五十嵐健夫. AirSketcher: 風を使いやすくする手法の提案とその実装. WISS2011予稿集, December 2011