smoon: 計らなくて済むスプーン
smoon: A Spoon with Automatic Capacity Adjustment

People often cook meals while referring a recipe, and following a recipe usually involves frequent measurements of ingredients. The measurement process involves converting numerical data in the recipe into corresponding amounts of physical ingredients, but this process is tedious and prone to error. We devised a means by which a robotic system directly converts numerical data on a digital recipe into physical quantities and built a prototype measurement device called 'smoon'. Smoon is a robotic measuring spoon that physically transforms itself to change its capacity according to recipe data stored in a computer or on the Internet. This system allows the user to cook a meal with a simpler workflow. The user obtains accurate amounts of ingredients simply by scooping: there is no need for him or her to pay attention to the quantity or units specified in the recipe.
「計ること」の難しさを一切取り除こうというのが今回の提案です。レシピには、cc, グラム、カップ、さじ、など単位が複雑で、また計量のための道具も多種多様で、非常にわかりにくいものです。また、計量という行為も、ぴったりあわせようとすると、多すぎた少なすぎたなど、調整が必要であったり気を使う場面が多いものです。smoonはこういった煩わしい計量をユーザにはさせず、デジタルデータとアクチュエーターが連動することによりユーザは「ただすくだけ」で計量が済むことになります。
- smoon: A Spoon with Automatic Capacity Adjustment. VRIC 2012 proceedings, Laval Virtual 2012 France, 2012 March [PDF]
- MashupAward7 にて優秀賞
- インタラクション2011にてインタラクティブ発表賞(参加者投票による)2011.3.10