With the increased usage of digital cameras and camera-enabled mobile phones in recent years, large numbers of photos are being taken. Many of the photos that are taken are used little, if at all .Researchers and companies have developed systems where photos can be annotated or tagged to facilitate storage and retrieval. However, people are often unwilling to spend the time and effort to carry out annotation.To solve this problem, we focus on real-time annotation where photographs are annotated at the time when they are taken. We propose a novel digital camera, ‘WillCam’, which enables users to capture various information, such as location, temperature,ambient noise, and photographer facial expression, in addition to the photo itself. WillCam also helps users express their interest -what object or information in the picture/scene is most important for them- visually.

(1) Camera and wide-angle lens (2) Track point (3) Pressure sensor
(4) Acceleration sensor (5) Luminace sensor (6) Temperaturesensor (7) USB camera
VisualEXIF is a technique for visualizing various types of information concerning the situation and who
photographed it: how/where/by whom photographs are
taken. Digital cameras usually attach EXIF information
(e.g. product name, company name, and date) to
captured photographs as meta data. VisualEXIF
generates metadata that is composited into
photographs. The VisualEXIF functionality
focuses on capturing further information with various
sensors: temperature, ambient noise, brightness,
location, facial expression and posture of the
photographer, and so on. |
RealFocus is a technique for emphasizing focused
objects in photographs. RealFocus extends the existing
focus point with special pointers, such as arrows or
circles, overlaid on preview images. Users can move the RealFocus
pointer icons with a trackpoint, and can change the size
of them with a shutter button that has an associated
pressure sensor. When a user becomes particularly
interested in an object, he can express that interest by
pressing the shutter button more strongly. |
MetaFocus is a technique for emphasizing focused VisualEXIF icons. The most important target doesn't
always exist inside photographs. For example, people
may take photos which seem meaningful to them at the
time because of extraneous factors. As a result, there
original intentions may be difficult to decipher from
what can be seen in the photo. To signal this type of
associated interest, the author can adjust the
temperature icon associated with the RealFocus pointer.
Thus, authors can convey their sense of how important
a particular photo is quickly, using MetaFocus. |
- Watanabe, K., Tsukada, K. and Yasumrua, M., WillCam: a digital camera visualizing users' interest, CHI 2007 Conference Proceedings and Extended Abstracts, pp.2747-2752, (2007) [PDF] [Poster(PDF)]
- Japanese patent pending.(2007.4)